Lasting Power of Attorney
However distant it may seem, it’s a good idea to prepare for a time when we may require help in making important decisions regarding health and finances.
If you ever become unable to express your wishes, an LPA enables someone to step in and make decisions for you about your health and care or your finances. These important decisions will be made by someone you choose and trust, and you can choose the right type of LPA for your circumstances.
Without an LPA, if you need someone to step in and manage your finances in the future, their only option will be to apply for a deputyship order through the court. This can be a costly, complex and lengthy process. If you have an LPA, it can take effect as soon as it’s needed, meaning your chosen attorney can step in straight away.
Once your LPA is in place, you can have peace of mind that someone you trust can look after your affairs if you’re ever unable to yourself, because of an illness or accident.
Your LPA can include instructions for your attorney, as well as your general preferences, to help them make the right choices for you. Your LPA should reflect your wishes so you know that the things that matter most would be taken care of.
You can only put an LPA in place whilst you are capable of understanding the nature and effect of the document. If you wait until it’s needed, it will be too late for you to put an LPA in place.
There are two types of LPA.
A health and care LPA lets your attorney make decisions about your medical treatment and day-to-day care. This can include where you live, what you eat, what medical treatment you receive and who you see.
A financial decisions LPA lets your attorney handle (and make decisions about) your money and property. This can include paying your bills, selling your property, collecting your pension and collecting your benefits.
If you require assistance in setting up an LPA for either health or financial reasons or both then please do not hesitate to contact us on:
Tel: 0161 974 0398
Whatsapp: 07983 209890